The Purple Flame
2023, Immersive VR
sizes varible
2022, 3d animation, 2.03 min
music and sound design by Cristofer Odqvist
text by Lauren Johnson
NFT exclusively on Super Rare
the beginning and the end.
Time. That’s what I had.
New ears, new hands, new vision; a revelation.
Why are you there? I feel around me. Vibrancy.
I can see time, the ever-after glow of movement.
Will you sense me? Will you let the revelation in?
2016, 3d animation, 2.44 min
music and sound design by Ayno Goze
NFT exclusively on Super Rare
Ultra - Fusion version one
* ** the merging of our
physical world ** Illusion * artificiality
* ** naturality * in ** lucid
consciousness ****
NFT exclusively on Super Rare
Ultra - Fusion version two
burning chrome*** illuminated * who
are we** what will we become
NFT exclusively on Super Rare
Ultra - Fusion version three
**..**..-*.-*-..*--::::-::::****.*-*.----**..**..-*.-*-..*--::::-::::****.*-*.----.*-***.. .Ultra-Fusion--::::::::::::::::.:::::.*-***..-::.-****..-*-.**-...:::-:-*- .-:::::::.:::.:::.:::::::::::-:-::-::-*-*.-:::::::.:::.:::.:::::::::::-:-::-::-*-*Final:Fusion:::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:::::*.::::::::::::::::::.::::::::::::.::::--:::::::..:::::::--:::::::--::::::::::...:::.Final:Fusion.:::::....:::::::::::.::::--:::::::..:::::::--:::::::--::::::::::...:::::::::::.::::--:::::::..:::::::--:::::::--::::::::::...:::...............................................Final:Fusion.:::::....::: **..**..-*.-*-..*--::::-::::****.*-*.----**..**..-*.-*-..*--::::-::::****.*-*.----.*-***..-::.-*****-.**-...:::-::::--..-*Ultra-Fusion-.*:Final:Fusion:::-.:::**-*..............
NFT exclusively on Super Rare
2013, 3d animation 2:55 min
music and sound design by Ayno Goze
digital edition @sedition art